Reflection for December 6
Here we see Jesus healing and feeding the crowds, as seen in several other instances of this happening throughout the four gospels. Healing many people is something that Jesus is well known for now, and it is what made him very popular 2000 years ago. While they are true miracles to be in awe of, one detail in this gospel that I have often overlooked is that after so many people were healed, the crowds were amazed at what they saw - and they glorified God.
Bringing people to faith: this is the true gift for us all. Healing people thousands of years ago was certainly miraculous, but only helped those people and their families – helping a blind beggar gain sight did not change the world. However, for the rest of us, it bore witness to God’s grace and love and helped teach us about faith. This gift to one (healing) became a more important gift for everyone else (faith).
Yet, even after seeing so many people healed, the apostles were still questioning Jesus's ability to save. They question, “Where could we ever get enough bread in this deserted place to satisfy such a crowd?” I think many of us find ourselves in deserts and we question, "How can we do God's will in such a place as this?" When we see such isolation, distress, anxiety, and hurt in our world and even in our local communities, how can we make a difference? We see Jesus respond so simply and assuredly to show us how to take what we do have, as little as it may be, and help everyone in the desert with us. Jesus is able to take so little and be able to provide, not only satisfy, and fill everyone and still have more left over.
Jesus, help me to remember to have faith in you when I find myself in a desert of despair. You have the power to use me, and what little I have to offer, to turn the desert into a banquet and despair into faith.
Peter DePaola, Jr.