Reflection for December 5
Just prior to the scripture verses we read for today there is the story of Jesus sending seventy or more of his best friends to journey throughout the land to tell others what they had seen in Jesus and what they had heard him teach. Now they have returned with joy to report the wonderful experiences they have had. None of this crowd were educated, knowledgeable about theology, or experts in discussing deep religious matters. They were simply average people who went about telling others what they had seen and heard regarding Jesus, and some very exciting things occurred.
In Luke 10:21, Jesus was also filled with joy, and, turning to God in prayer, Jesus said, “I thank you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and revealed them to the childlike.” possibly meaning that even children can understand something deeply spiritual when they see and hear without the complications of abstract thought. Then to his small group of disciples, he said to them privately, “Many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, but did not see it, and to hear what you hear, but did not hear it.”
As we journey through Advent toward Christmas, let us avoid making the good news of the Gospel too complicated. Let us pray for the clarity of vision and the soundness of hearing that will enable us to see God incarnate in Jesus, to recognize the goodness of God that we experience daily, and to share with others the love, joy, and peace that comes simply through our relationship with God.
Betty Ann Grady