Reflection for Thursday, Dec. 9
“I am the Lord, your God,
who grasp your right hand;
It is I who say to you,
‘Fear not – I will help you.’”
What a beautiful promise we have from God who is always willing to take our hand and help us!
I’m reminded of helping our young grandson navigate the stairs. He knows there are toys in the basement and lets me hold his hand as we walk slowly down the stairs together. It’s a special time, and I realize with some sadness that he will not always want to hold my hand and someday will do this by himself.
Thinking I can do things by myself apart from God is where I can get into trouble. Challenges come, worry creeps in, and my mind becomes cluttered with many things. Anxious thoughts prevent me from being present to notice the blessings in life.
We’re told not to fear in this passage. Certainly, things happen that can cause us to fear, however when I’ve remembered to pray and take God’s hand, a renewed strength and peace has come to me. We are both broken and blessed in difficult times. Faith is the act of trusting God when life doesn’t make sense.
The passage continues, “Fear not O worm Jacob,…I will help you says the Lord…” We do not have to be perfect or without mistakes for God to help us. This is good news. God sees our goodness even when we cannot.
God of amazing grace and mercy,
thank you for helping us in our struggles.
Ellen Graham