Reflection for Friday, Dec. 10
In this reading, Isaiah spells out what the Lord asks of us. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Isaiah’s words were meant to encourage the people of Israel while they were held in Babylonian captivity. This is the same Lord who raised Lazarus from the dead, who spoke to the woman by the well, and the same Lord that approached the leper. Today the Lord continues to ask the same things of us: to follow the commandments, to love our neighbor, to feed the hungry, visit the sick and imprisoned and serve the poor. By following His example, Christ promises to stand by us in the good times and in the bad and to lead us in truth and justice. As we journey through Advent, we can be comforted by knowing that Jesus is showing us the way. Christ knows our wants and needs and understands each of us perhaps better than we understand ourselves. It is in this Holy time of preparation that we are invited to open our hearts and minds and listen to Him and follow Him.
Beth and Jim Malley
Monastery Gallery of Art Co-Curator (Beth)