Reflection for Thursday, Dec. 2

We have before us today a challenging gospel message. We are challenged to go beyond words to action. To act in the present to bring about the will of the Father in ourselves and in our world.

We are called to a deeper knowing of the God who dwells within and empowers us to participate in the ongoing evolution of the reign of God. Even amid the blowing and buffering demands of life we are called to become aware of the foundation upon which we are building. Are we willing to examine and strengthen our foundations?

Advent is an opportunity for growth. Are your foundational relationships in need of improvement? Where is God being continually revealed and strengthened in your experience and through your actions in our suffering world?

In this Advent season may we reflect and pray. God, our foundation, is calling us into greater relationships. In this present moment, may we choose to act, to enter more deeply in relationship with God, with others, and with all of creation.

Sister Ruth Kelly, R.S.M.

Melanson Media