Reflection for Wednesday, Dec. 1
“...the Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples…" (Isaiah 25:6).
"Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life...” (Psalm 23:6).
In the first two passages, I am surrounded by the Lord’s Love and deliciously happy that all is well in the world. Who wouldn't want to go through life feeling that the world is taken care of?
Matthew’s Gospel brings the concrete reality of a messy world where we are so tied up in getting something good completed (as was Jesus’ healing) that we forget to plan or to make a plan B. I think about seemingly insurmountable challenges of family or friends and how powerless I am or feel I am to help them or help alleviate their suffering or situation. The pristine and flawless beauty of God’s love is buried by a whirlwind spiral of anxiety facing the unknown.
The apostles knew the power of Jesus, he had just cured many people. Yet, when a lack of food for the tremendous crowd was brought to his attention, Jesus didn’t get caught up in metrics of quantity and dividing what was there, and he didn't offer commentary. He merely asked for what food they had on hand and asked the apostles to dispense it. I want to become the sort of disciple willing to dispense the food rather than turning away the crowd because there isn’t enough.
Thank you, dear Jesus, for recognizing that even in a desolate location where little exists, we need food for the journey so that we may be strengthened for what lies ahead.
Liz Kavanah