Reflection for Tuesday, Nov. 30

A consolation of today’s gospel for me is that Andrew, Peter, James, and John heard Jesus’ invitation in the midst of their busy workaday lives.

At the same time, it’s inescapable that Jesus calls them to set aside their familiar daily routine for something new and different.

Jesus invites every one of us to a closer relationship with him. Can this Advent be a time of deepening my response to Jesus? Can I set aside the familiarity of my daily routine for a day, or even a few hours, to listen and respond anew to his invitation? Or, if that’s not feasible, can I bring an awareness of his invitation to my daily activities and pray my “yes” through them?

O God, attune the ear of my heart so that I can hear and respond to Jesus’ call, whether amid quiet or chaos.

Julie Magri

Melanson Media