Reflection for Saturday, Dec. 19
Advent is a time of waiting, a time of longing for the coming of Christ. We remember his birth, and we long for his coming again at the end of time, and also for a deepening of his presence in our own lives.
This theme of longing carries through in our readings today. In the book of Judges, Manoah and his wife long for the redemption of Israel from the Philistines; in our Gospel from Luke, Zechariah and Elizabeth long for the redemption of Israel in the birth of their son, John the Baptist, who will prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah
While the wife of Manoah listened to the angel’s message, Zechariah didn’t. He started questioning, almost arguing with the angel Gabriel. As a result, he is struck mute until the word of God is fulfilled. It’s almost like Gabriel is saying, “Zechariah, knock it off. I no sooner tell you glad news for you, your wife and all of Israel, and you start talking, unable to really hear me and let God’s word sink deeply into your heart. So, you will be mute, to give you time to internalize these things and experience a deep longing for God working in your life and in the life of the world.”
The feast of Christmas is only a week away. Let’s “mute” ourselves, taking time daily, maybe only 15 or 20 minutes, to quiet down, stop the noise inside and outside ourselves and center ourselves so that we can internalize this profound truth that God longs to be in relationship with us. It’s a great way to prepare for the celebration of God’s birth in our world and in our hearts.
Bro. Michael Moran, C.P.