Reflection for Friday, Dec. 18

Jeremiah 23:5-8

Psalms 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19

“Justice will flourish in the time of God.”

We try to bring about justice in our communities and to live justly. We try to be the Kingdom of Christ here and now. But, let’s be honest, that task is extremely hard because we are imperfectly human, and we have social, economic, political, and even physical structures that perpetuate unjust practices. It can be very overwhelming. How can I make a difference? When will all of this get fixed?

Listen to the psalm today. Justice shall flourish in the time of God. God’s got the justice part covered. We need to do our part, of course, and devote our lives to peace and justice. But, if justice isn’t fully present or fully compensated for in our society and in our world, God takes over and will show what is right and just in God’s time.

What is the time of God? What is the timing of God? I think of the Last Judgement, the Birth of Christ, and the Coming of His Kingdom. Justice will always be fulfilled in God’s time, on his watch, in Christ’s Kingdom. Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will restore justice. No one else rules our hearts and minds. Despite the world’s current state, the 2020 Pandemic, and the health of our nation, Christ’s Kingdom reigns forever.

This Advent season, we especially prepare for the Birth of Christ. For the coming of Christ’s Kingdom. And hopefully, we are always preparing for our Last Judgement. We desperately need Christmas this year. May we all prepare our hearts for justice, restoration, and healing. Christ is coming soon.

Lisa Muscanell-DePaola


Karen Rossignol