Reflection for Wednesday, Dec. 9
The Gospel according to Matthew is talking to us; right here – right now – 2020
Jesus said to the crowds:
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am meek and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for yourselves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”
We labor and are burdened with so many things that could pull us all down, especially now. Our health, our loved one’s health, our kids being displaced with their education - are we virtual? Are we in person? – hybrid – (who had ever thought about this concept). My job, my spouse’s job, will my child even get a job after college? Did you get tested before you came home? Should I get tested before I can see my grandchildren? No more than 10 people for a celebration of anything – a birth – a death – a holiday. Food shortages in this country of plenty!
This can pull you down! Let’s not even talk politics and the division of family, spouses, friends – climate of social unrest.
Can we have a discussion to be able to listen, to be able to understand, and to be able to be understood?
There are more questions in this time of uncertainty than answers, or have we missed the answers from God because we are so consumed by so much information that has instilled more fear than hope?
We need Jesus now more than ever so that he will take the yoke of our burdens and let him teach us his ways so that we will be able to “rest”. Can we “let go and let God?”
It is our hope and prayer during this Advent season and into the New Year that we can.
We leave you with the full prayer for serenity that will keep us moving forward with Jesus’ love guiding our path:
God, grant me the Serenity
To accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can,
And Wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
By Reinhold Niebuhr
Gloria and Mike Reddy