Urgent Appeal: Holy Family Needs Your Help
The opportunity to explore and strengthen your faith lies at the center of all we do here at Holy Family – even in these times of distancing.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we engage with you, but we remain a unique and bonded community. And your fidelity and caring concern for Holy Family’s future are a true blessing!
As you can imagine, the financial impact of having an empty retreat house, chapel, and cancelled events has been enormous, and in response we’ve created the Holy Family Resilience Fund to help us navigate us through this difficult time.
Even as we move more deeply into what our faith is asking of us today, we are called to plan for a vibrant future for Holy Family and we need your help to get there. . .
Please consider making a gift in support of the Holy Family Resilience Fund towards our goal of $2 million.
Every gift to the Holy Family Resilience Fund will help fortify our efforts and service in the following ways:
Front and center is our intention to find new and meaningful ways to engage with you. We are committed to offering spiritual support and enrichment through online masses, messages of hope, musical reflections and free programming to the frontline healthcare workers.
Behind the Scenes, we are working diligently to shore up our finances in response to the economic fallout caused by the pandemic and to making changes to our building to meet the most stringent public health and safety measures.
Finally, we seek to create a vibrant future for Holy Family by making all adjustments necessary to fulfill our mission and ministry and to continue to share the love of God through innovation and careful stewardship of all that you entrust to us.
Here’s how you can help . . .
Please consider making a gift to Holy Family if your circumstances allow.
Substantial tax benefits through the CARES Act encourage generosity, but they don’t last beyond 2020. Specifically, you can write off a gift of up to $300.
We are honored to walk boldly with you within the current boundaries of our times while pushing forward to plumb the expansive richness of our faith.
Thank you, from all of us at Holy Family and may God bless you!
Ways to Give
![alt text](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a81ed0b6f4ca3e42ad2403e/t/5ea924d02813d42e41ab876e/1588143314435/Give-Online-Today-Button.png?format=300w)
Or, you may choose to make a gift using other assets, such as:
IRA Rollover
Donor Advised Funds
Charitable Gift Funds
Endowed Gifts
Family Foundation Grants
Appreciated Stock Gifts
You can also mail a check, payable to Holy Family Resilience Fund to:
Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center
Attn: Development Office
303 Tunxis Road
West Hartford, CT 06107
If you would like to discuss gift options, you may contact Dawn Fleming, Director of Donor Relations and Planned Giving at: dfleming@holyfamilyretreat.org or 203-232-0444.
Our legal name is: Passionist Fathers of CT, Inc.
Our Taxpayer Federal Tax ID# (EIN) is: 06-0665178