Paper Star Lanterns
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Kathy Parulski
Join us for an evening of creativity making beautiful paper star lanterns. Using basic paper and cut and paste skills to make the stars, we will then add to a strand of sparkling lights. All materials will be provided by the Gallery and mailed to you in advance. This is a creative pre-holiday project sure to add some holiday joy! No experience necessary.
This program will be offered online via the Zoom platform. Information on how to access the program will be provided to participants in their registration confirmation email.
This program is sponsored by the Monastery Gallery of Art.
Offering: $30.00
Presenter Profile
Kathy Parulski
Kathy Parulski is co-curator of the Monastery Gallery of Art and a master bookbinder and book artist. Her work ranges from the restoration of family Bibles to original book works using metal edge binding and recycled materials. She has taught adults and children throughout New England and has exhibited extensively in Connecticut. A certified Zentangle teacher and former newspaper publisher, she holds a graduate certificate in women’s spirituality from the Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary.