Lectio Divina Advent Experience
Saturday, December 10, 2022
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Frank Pendola and Mike Smoolca
Bring the experience of Contemplative Prayer into your Advent season! Review and practice the method of Lectio Divina for praying sacred scripture. Through reading, reflecting, responding and resting in the Word of God, we nourish and deepen our relationship with God. In addition to using Scripture, we’ll apply Lectio-inspired methods to images (Visio Divina), music, body senses and to noticing God’s action in our daily lives. This workshop provides participants with many avenues leading to Contemplation during Advent, Christmas, and the year ahead.
This program will be offered both in-person and online via Zoom. Information on how to access the program on Zoom will be sent to participants in advance.
Offering: $65 (includes lunch)
Presenter Profiles
Frank Pendola
Frank Pendola is a commissioned presenter for Contemplative Outreach and serves on the Contemplative Outreach of CT leadership team. He currently serves as music minister at local parishes in Rhode Island. Frank loves to lend his voice in chant or song as an aid to contemplative practice with friends from various denominations and spiritual traditions.
Mike Smoolca
Mike Smoolca is a contemplative group and workshop facilitator and a dedicated teacher and student of contemplative practice and wisdom spirituality. He is a Contemplative Outreach presenter and coordinator for the Christian Contemplative Experience at Holy Family, Contemplative Outreach of CT, and the Northern CT Chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society. Mike is a practicing spiritual director and supervisor as well as a BioSpiritual Focusing companion and teacher.