Did Jesus Actually Rise From the Dead?
Monday, March 2, 2020
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
E. J. Sweeney
Christianity rises (pun intended!) or falls with the Resurrection. If Jesus isn’t risen, then Christian faith is in vain. But how can modern people actually believe someone rose from the dead? Isn’t that just wishful thinking? Actually, based on the evidence and new insights emerging from modern scholarship, believing Jesus rose from the dead is the most reasonable conclusion a scientifically-minded person can make. Whether you’re a believer wanting to see just how good the evidence for your faith is, or a skeptic seeking the Truth, come and see the key evidence. The evening will include light refreshments.
Offering: $25
E.J. Sweeney
E.J. Sweeney is a pastor, author, teacher, and Christian apologist. Skeptical at heart, E.J. only came to faith in Jesus as a result of seeing how overwhelming the evidence for the Resurrection is. He has shared this evidence in his recently published book, Raising Jesus: The Skeptic’s Guide to Faith in the Resurrection. His online ministry, www.RaisingJesus.com, shows believers and skeptics alike how trustworthy the Christian faith truly is. E.J. received his B.A. from Trinity College and his M.Div. from Yale University.