Weeklong Directed Retreat
June 8-14, 2025
Joanne White
This weeklong contemplative experience invites you to a deep encounter with God, Who is Love, and offers you personal prayer time to rekindle gratitude in your heart. The silent retreat will include daily conversation with a spiritual director, the opportunity for daily Eucharist, and ample time for prayer, meditation and rest. Walk the labyrinth, get a massage (extra charge), enter the silence and discover the path of Love and Gratitude that beckons you forward.
We welcome you to arrive any time after 3:00 p.m. The retreat begins with dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by Mass. The retreat concludes at 10:00 a.m. on the final day of your stay.
Offering: 6 nights, $575
5 nights (depart Friday, 6/13), $495
Presenter Profile
Joanne White
Joanne White has served as a spiritual director for 22 years, supervises interns in the Spiritual Direction Internship Program at the Spiritual Life Center, and leads meditation groups and retreats in NH and CT. Much of her work is with the Spiritual Life Center. She holds an MA in Religious Studies from Hartford International University for Religion and Peace and an MBA. She has worked for non-profit and for-profit organizations alike. Joanne has a passion for spiritual direction and a deep appreciation and gratitude for God's ever-present grace in her own transformation and that of those she serves.
Dietary restrictions? Holy Family is committed to making your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, and to that end, we can accommodate most dietary needs. Please email Ted, our registrar, at tjastrzebski@holyfamilyretreat.org, if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, so that we may make preparations in advance of your retreat.