Reflection for January 5
Mary Billingsley, The Epiphany Shrine
e·piph·a·ny – a noun
1) the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the
2) a moment of sudden revelation or insight.
3) an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.
The specific Epiphany referred to in our Christian liturgy is tied to the visit of the Wise Men (Magi), which illustrates the manifestation of God to the Gentiles in their visit to Jesus at His birth. They had an epiphany…they realized that they were in the presence of God.
In Jesus’ birth story, everything is an epiphany to all the participants… including Mary, Joseph, shepherds, angels, innkeeper, and everyone else. The announcement to Mary. The explanation to Joseph and others. God so loved the world that He reconciled the world to Himself. Divine love, including everyone, everywhere. A MIND-BLOWING EPIPHANY.
Also present in this story are the gifts the Wise Men brought to Jesus of gold, frankincense, and myrrh – valued gifts to honor a king or a priest in the ancient world. What relational gifts do we bring to God? Love - devotion to the scriptures - friendship among those in our communities - reconciliation of damaged relationships - understanding of other faiths - peace in our world?
When you think about it, Jesus’ entire life was one big gift-giving ministry. With the ultimate sacrifice being the Greatest Gift, the sacrifice of his earthly life.
What if our lives were one big gift-giving ministry? What gifts can you give this season, and what gifts will you receive? What will our epiphany moments be, seeing God present in our every day?
Paul and Betty Ann Grady