Reflection for January 7
The Epiphany of the Lord
“The angels in this world are not in the walls of churches....The heroes in this world are not rendered in bronze or stone."
Those words come from a song written during the darkest days of the Covid pandemic. They spring to mind as I read today's gospel and I believe describe how the actions of brave and good people can save humanity.
Here, the bravery of the three Magi overcomes the jealous hatred of Herod. The decision of the Magi to disobey Herod's command to report back is as consequential a decision as any ever made by mankind. It is a decision that easily could have cost them their lives or at least their fortunes. How many of us, given an order like Herod's, would have the courage to defy it? Our world is plagued by "Herods" who make unjust and wrongful commands which many blindly follow.
There are those, however, like the Magi, who have the courage to say no. Even at great personal risk. They are the Angels who rescue the poor, the downtrodden, and the sick. One at a time. Often in the dark and outside the glow of the spotlight and often at great risk to themselves. They are the doctors and nurses who heal us. They are the teachers who choose to work in the poorest areas. They are the Brothers and Sisters of the Cloth who give themselves over to the service of those in need. These Angels don't reside in churches or in the halls of government and we certainly won't ever see statues rendered in their honor. More likely, we may never even know their names or faces. Like the Magi, they do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
As I begin this new year, I hope and pray that I will always be led to do the right thing and to do good. Whether I live up to that hope is up to me.
Dave Kenna