Reflection for January 6

Gospel - Mark 1:7-11

Just imagine, it is a warm day and you are walking down to the river Jordan. You smell the air; it is sweet and fragrant. You notice the river is sparkling brightly. Then you see a man standing in the water. His name is John the Baptizer. You’ve heard of him, calling people to repent and to be baptized. You see many people listening to this man and being baptized. Then you see a young man, around 30 years old, walk up to John. They speak briefly; they seem to know each other. John then baptizes this man, and as he emerges from the water you see the sky open and something like a dove descend upon him. You fall to your knees, not knowing what is happening. Then you hear a voice come from the heavens saying, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” After a short time, you see the young man leave and you raise from your knees.

As you stand there, by the river Jordan, what are YOU feeling after seeing this?

Cheryl Gosselin

Melanson Media