Reflection for Tuesday, Jan. 4

“Place our trust in God”

Imagine yourself as a disciple. It is late in the day, you are hot, tired, and hungry, you might even say you are “hangry.” You are looking forward to getting away and relaxing with Jesus. Then Jesus sees the crowds still following, like lost sheep; they too are hungry and tired. Jesus tells you to “feed them.” How are we supposed to feed all these people? There is not enough money to buy that amount of food needed, so we ask Jesus what we should do. He tells us to “see what you can find.” We search the crowd and come up with five loaves and two fish. Now Jesus asks the people to gather into groups of 50 or 100. Then Jesus blesses the food we have collected and gives it to us to share with ‘everyone.’ Still doubtful, we start to pass out the food. To our surprise the food doesn’t run out and all those gathered are eating. We look to Jesus and smile. This is totally amazing! We gathered up the remains and we’re able to fill twelve baskets. Truly, anything is possible when you place your trust in the Lord. By trusting Jesus, not only were our bodies fed, but so were our souls.

Are you placing your trust in the Lord?

Cheryl Gosselin

Melanson Media