Reflection for Sunday, Dec. 6
On this feast of St. Nicholas and the Second Sunday of Advent, the readings for today remind us to “prepare the way of the Lord” to give comfort to one another while we once more await and celebrate the birth of Jesus. The readings also encourage us to repent, to be holy, and to be beacons of God’s love so that “Kindness and Truth shall meet” and “Justice and Peace shall kiss.”
So how do we accomplish these tasks which can seem daunting given the current circumstances we find ourselves in? How do we do this in the face of social injustice, racism, selfishness, fear, anger, greed, division, violence, and hatred that the world constantly throws at us? How do we do this while being separated from our loved ones during a pandemic, while being denied opportunities to do things we loved doing before the lockdowns started? How do we do this while we deal with loved ones who are ill or have died this year? How do we do this while enduring waves of anxiety, anger, fear, depression, despair, and grief? How do we ignore our human need to feel in control of our lives, or the people in our lives and the situations we find ourselves in when most things are outside of our control? How do we answer the call from God to be a source of light in a dark world?
The answer, of course, resides within us, as there is an unlimited well of courage, strength, peace, love, kindness, compassion, wisdom, forgiveness, and mercy constantly waiting to be tapped into, which God has gifted to each of us via the Holy Spirit. When we remember to share these gifts with ourselves, our friends, our family, and everyone in our community, we become the light so desperately needed by a world that seems to be drowning in darkness. May we all reconnect with our God-given gifts and be a source of light that joyfully awaits, once again, the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Rick Carterud