Reflection for Sunday, Dec. 13

Today is the Third Sunday of Advent, and I am really excited about Christmas coming up soon - especially the presents! But after thinking about the second reading, the takeaway is the first word of the verse, rejoice. My brother Tristan is studying Latin at school and he told me that today is also called Gaudete Sunday, which means “rejoice” in Latin. This is the Sunday where we light the pink candle to show the joy that Christmas is near. And even though we are called to rejoice today, that doesn’t mean we should only be rejoicing about what we are getting for Christmas, we should be rejoicing that the birth of our Savior is near. We should return to prayer and thanksgiving. The second reading tells us, “In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”   

But the truth is that sometimes it is hard to rejoice. Especially during this pandemic. Sickness or job loss or loneliness from being away from friends or loss of family can certainly keep people from rejoicing and giving thanks. Yet, to live the way God is calling us to live will only be possible if we have faith, trust, and confidence in him. In Advent, while we are waiting, I think that we should go through our average days but with added joy and deeper faith. We need to pray more to be closer to God. This Christmas I’m thankful for dance and cello lessons, for board game time with Tristan, for my parents and my friends at school, and the ways my two-year-old sister makes me laugh. So, rejoice! And pray about what you are thankful for.   

Balian Buttimer, Age 10

Karen Rossignol