“Praying the Truth” Workshop Prayers

During the “Praying the Truth” workshop with retreat team member Deb Brown-Norko (Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2020), retreatants worked together in small groups to create prayers. We heard many requests to make them available to share.


Dear Good and Gracious God,

Thank you for your many blessings in our lives, our faith, our families, our health, and for gathering us together today.

We are deeply sorry for the times we have doubted you, failed to offer you our struggles and failing to see you in our brothers and sisters.

We come to you asking for peace in the world, in our country, in our families and in our hearts.  We ask for your protection against illness and the strength to trust in your divine

We also ask for help to discern your will in our lives. We ask you to repair our broken family relationships and please guide our children back to you.

Christ, we pray together, trusting your unfailing love for us. We yield to your will. Amen.

Holy Spirit,

Breathe the fire of life into us.

Show us your love and forgiveness.

Thank you for you mercy and direction; for knowing you are part of our every breath and thought of being.

Bring your love to those souls in purgatory and accept our gratefulness every day.

Help us in understanding of the needs of others.

Help us in being kind to ourselves and to remember we are wrapped in your love. Amen.

Abba Jesus and Holy Spirit,

We love you and want you to stay in our hearts even when we forget to ask.

Thank you for forgiving us our sins and for your never-ending mercy. We’re sorry for all we’ve done to offend you.

Please help us to put our egos aside and let you shine through us so that you can touch other’s hearts.

Please bless all your children so they find you and know you.  Let them be transformed through your grace so that they will eagerly spread your love and peace with their words and actions. Amen.

A Prayer for Keeping Retreat in Our Hearts

Loving God of all Creation,

We come to you with gratitude for bringing us here with other women of faith.

Give us strength and courage so we can go out and be a light and share Your love with a troubled world.

Help us adjust back to “Real Life” and keep us in a retreat mindset.

Remind us of your strength and the light within us.

Don’t let us forget as we break bread with family, friends or strangers who may hunger, to be filled with your love.

Help us make faith accessible to others. with openness and acceptance as we try to lead by example,  accepting where people are and invite them to grow in their faith

With love and gratitude and always yours. Amen.

Almighty Lord,

Thank you for blessing us with our unity and bringing us together this weekend.

Help us to understand our roles as caregivers and our shortcomings that may prevent us from doing our best.

Thank you for the support that we received from family and friends; please continue to bless them.

Also, continue to bless all the women on this retreat weekend.

And may all grow in your love. Amen.

Beloved, Gracious God:

We praise and glorify you.

We thank you for all our blessings and especially for bringing us together for this retreat.

Forgive us for our lack of patience with those we love and with those who love us.

Let there be peace in our nation and in our world and give guidance to the leaders of our world.

Give us grace to follow your will.

During this Lenten season help us to pray, to give alms, and to fast.  Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We adore you and thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

We pray that the Holy Spirit guides us, strengthens us, sustains us and gives us the courage to do your will and open our hearts to love and respect all people.

Help us to be kind and generous to all, and good stewards of our earthly home and environment.

We know that with your guidance and example, we can be empowered to make a real difference.

