Welcoming Prayer Introductory Workshop
Saturday, October 29, 2022
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Mike Smoolca
According to Fr. Thomas Keating, “Welcoming Prayer is the practice that actively lets go of thoughts and feelings that support the false-self system. It embraces painful emotions experienced in the body rather than avoiding them or trying to suppress them.” This workshop introduces participants to the actual method of the Welcoming Prayer and provides an opportunity to practice. We’ll establish Welcoming Prayer’s place in Body Awareness Practice and include discussions of the human condition and the false-self system as conceptual background to Welcoming Prayer.
This program will be offered both in-person and online via Zoom. Information on how to access the program on Zoom will be sent to participants in advance.
Offering: $45
Presenter Profiles
Mike Smoolca
Mike Smoolca is a contemplative group and workshop facilitator and a dedicated teacher and student of contemplative practice and wisdom spirituality. He is a Contemplative Outreach presenter and coordinator for the Christian Contemplative Experience at Holy Family, Contemplative Outreach of CT, and the Northern CT Chapter of the International Thomas Merton Society. Mike is a practicing spiritual director and supervisor as well as a BioSpiritual Focusing companion and teacher.