Still Home?
An Evening of Reflection for College Students
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Liza Peters and Colin Petramale
Many students are at home remotely learning, or they might be in lockdown on or off campus during these tumultuous times. Building community with other young people, especially as a college student, can support and strengthen our resilience in this time of isolation. Please join us for an online evening of reflection as we share some of the struggles and joys we’ve experienced over these past few months.
This retreat will be offered online via the Zoom platform. Information on how to access the program will be provided to participants in their registration confirmation email.
Offering: $25
Presenter Profiles
Liza Peters
Liza Peters is the director of youth and young adult ministry at Holy Family. Prior to joining the retreat team in 2011, she served as director of religious education at a parish outside Dayton, OH, and worked and lived in community at the St. Peter Claver Catholic Worker House in South Bend, IN. She holds a B.A. in psychology and a Master of Divinity from the University of Notre Dame.
Colin Petramale
Colin Petramale is a retreat team member at Holy Family with a passion for making faith real and accessible to people of all ages. He believes that ministry invites us to be present to the unique story of each individual. He previously worked at Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly in Chicago and served as a campus minister at the University of Dayton. He holds a B.A. in Spanish from SUNY Oswego and an M.A. in theological studies from the University of Dayton.