The Psychological Experience of Centering Prayer
Saturday, November 23, 2019
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Jim McElroy
The human transformation we undergo in Centering Prayer is complex and multifaceted. We face common questions about how our practice is progressing and our psychological experience of releasing the emotional wounds of a lifetime. This presentation is intended to clarify the psychological process on our journey to transformation.
Offering: $65, includes lunch
Presenter Profile
Jim McElroy
Jim McElroy is a commissioned presenter of Centering Prayer, which he has been practicing since 1996. He has been on the leadership team of 12-Step Outreach since its formation in 2005 and is especially interested in teaching contemplative practices to the recovery community. He is a former coordinator of Contemplative Outreach of St. Louis and is on the Welcoming Prayer and Living Flame faculty.