Evening for Parish Catechists:
Virtual Lent…Again?
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
7:00 to 8:30 p.m. (ET)
Lisa Orchen
Planning for 2021 - we anticipate that COVID's long shadow will challenge us to plan for Lent differently again this year. Together we will explore ideas for helping our parish and school families celebrate Lent in a COVID world.
This program will be offered online via the Zoom platform. Information on how to access the program will be provided to participants in their registration confirmation email.
Offering: $25
Presenter Profiles
Lisa Orchen
Lisa is a certified Catholic chaplain as well as a spiritual writer, parish catechist, and leader of diocesan workshops and retreats. Lisa also works for the STEP program at the University of Notre Dame, developing and facilitating online continuing formation courses in theology and ministry. She has both a B.A. and Master of Divinity from the University of Notre Dame.