Finding Peace Through Fiber Arts: A Sharing of Thoughts, Skill and Yarn
Knitting Retreat Day
Saturday, November 16, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Christine M. Berté
This program will explore how fiber arts foster creativity, self-reflection, and relaxation. Participants are encouraged to bring their in-progress fiber work and any completed projects they'd like to share. Throughout the day, we'll engage in discussions sparked by readings, quotes from religious sources, and art depicting fiber work. To wrap up, we'll have a yarn swap where everyone can bring and exchange fiber, ending the day with new materials for future projects.
Offering: $75, includes lunch
Christine M. Berté
Christine M. Berté has been knitting for over forty years and has taught both individuals and groups. She has gifted many handmade items over the years, including shawls, socks, baby blankets, and sweaters. Chris also works in fiber by spinning yarn and is an avid quilter. Professionally, Chris is a family and psychiatric nurse practitioner and holds a doctoral degree in nursing education. She has taught nursing and held administrative positions for over thirty years and currently teaches at Western Connecticut State and Yale University School of Nursing.
Dietary restrictions? Holy Family is committed to making your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, and to that end, we can accommodate most dietary needs. Please email Ted, our registrar, at, if you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies, so that we may make preparations in advance of your retreat.