Key Contemplative Ancestors:
Eckhart, Hadewijch, Mechthild, Porete
Saturday, October 17, 2020
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Rickey Cotton, Ed.D.
Meister Eckhart, the most quoted Christian mystic of our time, was dramatically influenced by women mystics of his time; Hadewijch, Mechthild and Porete. A world-class philosopher and popular preacher, Eckhart shared their passion that people have a deep, real experience of God. Our workshop will engage the inspiring lives and teachings of Eckhart and these heroic women as well as providing time for contemplative prayer and rich dialogue.
The presenter, Rickey Cotton, lives out of state and will present his portions of the program virtually which will be shared on a large screen for those attending in person.
*Due to present COVID-19 state regulations, our capacity for each day is 40.
** For those interested in attending virtually, this retreat will simultaneously be offered online via the Zoom platform. Information on how to access the program will be provided to participants in their registration confirmation email.
On-campus - $65, includes lunch
Online -$65
Presenter Profile
Rickey Cotton, Ed.D.
Rickey Cotton, Ed.D., is a spiritual director and presenter of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina and on faculty for the Living Flame program of Contemplative Outreach, Ltd. As a leader of workshops and retreats, he presents around the country on such topics as John of the Cross, The Desert Mothers and Fathers, Divine Therapy, and Meister Eckhart. Now Professor Emeritus, Rickey served for over 30 years at Southeastern University in central Florida as teacher, administrator and mentor.