Spiritual and Physical Evolution: In Contemplative Hindsight of 2020
Annual Day of Reflection
Saturday, June 5, 2021
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET)
Charlotte A. Tomaino, Ph.D.
Looking back on the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, we will reflect on our own evolving and devolving during this time. In times of change, encountering the unwanted will encourage us to recognize the wanted. What brought out the best in us? What brought out the worst in us? Evolution is obvious in massive change which occurred daily as we woke up to the meaning of pandemic and caring for one another. What dark night did you encounter and where did it take you spiritually?
This program will be offered online (Zoom platform) and onsite (limited to 40 participants). Please indicate your preference when registering below.
Offering: $65 (includes lunch)
Presenter Profiles
Charlotte A. Tomaino, Ph.D
Charlotte A. Tomaino, Ph.D., is a clinical neuropsychologist whose career has been dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of brain function. She is retired from clinical practice but has learned about the power of belief to access neuroplasticity to adapt brain function from the clients she treated for several decades. Her book, Awakening the Brain: The Neuropsychology of Grace, gently weaves together the power of contemplative spirituality to alter perception of life events and access the path of recovery from trauma or growth in times of change. She is formerly a Maryknoll Sister.