Bible Study: The Psalms on Our Journey
Sundays, September 29, 2019 to November 3, 2019
5:30 to 6:45 p.m.
Colin Petramale
For Christians, the Psalms form an essential part of our liturgical life. They reveal an exciting and vibrant faith journey of a people—Israel. Come to this faith-sharing and scripture study group to dive deeper into the Psalms and learn how they sustain us on our journeys of faith. Participants are welcome to join us each week for our community Mass at 7:00 p.m. We will have a culminating dinner on November 3.
Offering: $100
Presenter Profile
Colin Petramale
Colin Petramale is a retreat team member at Holy Family with a passion for making faith real and accessible to people of all ages. He believes that ministry invites us to be present to the unique story of each individual. He previously worked at Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly in Chicago and served as a campus minister at the University of Dayton. He holds a B.A. in Spanish from SUNY Oswego and an M.A. in theological studies from the University of Dayton.