Reflection for January 4
“What are you looking for?” The first words we hear Jesus speak in the whole of John’s Gospel come in the form of this question to Andrew and his companion. Jesus clearly noticed that these two had begun to follow him! I think it’s interesting that Jesus asks, “What are you looking for?” rather than “Who are you looking for?” It is both a question and an invitation.
Jesus’ words reverberate across the millennia to each one of us who would be his follower.
Andrew and the others want to know where Jesus is staying. Invited to “come and see,” they remain with him all day. And they are forever changed.
Years ago, I made a retreat at a Trappist monastery. The monk giving our retreat shared with us that after more than 40 years in monastic life he had realized that his answer to Jesus’ question was: “I want to love as you love.” He knew he was incapable of such perfect love on his own, but he trusted that Jesus would meet him in that longing.
Here at the beginning of another new year, today is a good day to pray on this question/invitation. Like Andrew, do I want to spend time in Jesus’ company, to dwell where he dwells? Will I follow Jesus closely enough to risk being changed or only at a safe distance? Do I seek him where he is to be found, in the Eucharist, in Scripture, in the silence of my heart, in the people I encounter?
Jesus, give me the courage to name the deepest desires of my heart and to trust that you will meet me there.
Julie Magri