Reflection for December 31
We all know that dates are labeled either BC or AD, and we live on the AD side of things, but the Gospels tell the story of the transition from BC to AD. One question for me has always been, how do we live on the AD side of things?
In today’s gospel, it tells us that John the Baptist was sent into the world by God “to testify to the light.” This was not just a BC assignment. I think the same task was given to me, a resident of the AD side of things, and to all of you too. We are called to testify to the light.
How do I do this? Here’s an example. I am a college teacher. One of my students recently came to me and said, “I have two other exams on the day of your exam. Can I take your exam at another time?” The easy answer was to just say no. I could say, “You knew the date of this exam a long time ago, just do it.” But then I think (God acting in me) what am I trying to do here? I want my students to learn, not just chemistry (the subject I teach), but the greater lessons about what it means to be like God. What are they learning from me if I am not merciful and kind, rich in compassion, if I am not like Jesus? And then I say to the student, “Yes, now let’s find a time when you might do your best on this exam.”
So today try and be like John the Baptist (no need to put on a camel-hair coat or eat locusts and honey!). Find a way to testify to the light and help bring in the new year!
Tim Curran