Reflection for January 12

Katie Atkinson, Peace in Broken Places

John 3:15-16, 21-22

Today’s gospel is rich with the meaning of what His baptism meant to Jesus. It differentiates the role of John (His cousin) as the Baptizer and that of Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God.

Water plays an important part in this story. John told the people that he used water, but someone more powerful will baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Jesus is baptized along with the people who were present. After He is baptized and while praying, the Heavens opened and the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove. And Jesus heard a voice from Heaven say, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”

Reflecting on this gospel, I recalled being at a funeral recently in the church where I was baptized 77 years ago. When the priest was blessing the deceased person with holy water, I noticed the baptismal font. I became emotional remembering that the Church officially greets us twice in our life: the first time at baptism and the last at our funeral. Water is the element.

We receive a lot from this gospel. We learn that symbolism is an important part of our faith journey. We are reminded of what is given to us at baptism – by God through Jesus, by the Church through water and by our parents who asked for this for us.

Luke’s Gospel reassures us that Jesus’ baptism solidifies His place as God’s Son. It assures us of our own place as a child of a loving God!

Kathy Parulski

Caelie Flanagan