Reflection for January 9
Kerwin Sands, Still Sucking Wind
When I wrote this, our country was just weeks away from a presidential election, the most contentious in all the time I have been voting. And so, the words "If anyone says, 'I love God,' but hates his brother is a liar," resonated with me. There is division among family, friends, and neighbors. It's as though we have forgotten that we are all children of the same loving God. At the time of these readings, the election will be over, and, by God's grace, we can forgive our brothers and sisters and repair our relationships. And as today's psalm supposes, may our newly elected, as well as re-elected, leaders govern with Justice.
I've always liked this gospel passage. It is not simply about Jesus. Jesus became human like us, to lead by example.
Do WE bring glad tidings to the poor?
Do WE proclaim liberty to the imprisoned?
Do WE provide sight to the blind, figuratively if not literally?
Do WE help to free the oppressed?
Here at Holy Family, there are opportunities to do these things. Just some examples: we feed the homeless at ImmaCare; we get gifts for the kids at Hartford Catholic Worker; we've shared meals with migrant workers; we've provided backpacks to folks returning from prison. And perhaps my favorite - the SECOND Prison Arts Exhibit just closed in the Monastery Gallery; some of us had the chance to meet some of the artists.
There are so many ways to show compassion for our brothers and sisters.
May we ALL roll up the scroll and say,
"Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."
Judy Cooke