Reflection for December 21
Bro. Mickey McGrath, OSFS, Garden with Women Saints
We have heard this story many times before: When Mary, newly pregnant with Jesus, approaches Elizabeth, Elizabeth is “filled with the Holy Spirit” and the “infant leaped in her womb.”
There are so many times that deep inside us we feel ecstasy, contentment, awe, deep satisfaction, inner peace. When Jesus comes to us in our everyday lives, something inside us ‘jumps’ with joy as we are filled with the Holy Spirit…
…when we reach out to others by helping with large or small tasks, listening with empathy, loaning or giving money to charitable causes or to friends who have fallen on hard times, or even something as simple as a warm smile and eye contact with a co-worker. We feel good, deep contentment.
…when we hold that newborn in our arms, look into its eyes, see the first smile. Awe, inner ecstasy.
…the love two lovers feel for each other. The love we feel for our family members. Deep contentment, ecstasy.
…when we soak in the beauty of the natural world — the roar and power of the oceans, a magnificent sunrise or sunset, the stillness of the woods, the peacefulness of a lake, the songs of the birds, the graceful gallop of a deer…there is no end to the magnificence of the world around us. Awe. Inner peace.
…when we take pride and satisfaction in our accomplishments and when our talents, skills, and achievements are validated by others. Deep satisfaction, contentment.
Jesus approaches us in so many ways and when He does, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Something deep inside us leaps.
Diana Vigneau