Reflection for December 19
The Gospel of Luke (1:5-25) gives insight as to God’s power and goodness as seen by the birth of a son to Zechariah and Elizabeth. Zechariah, a priest, is visited in the sanctuary by the angel Gabriel declaring his wife will bear a son and name him John. One would think this is good news as he and Elizabeth have been praying for a child for many years. Zechariah seems to be terrified instead of peaceful, overwhelmed instead of joyful, and unbelieving instead of accepting. Gabriel had said, “Do not be afraid,” but as he did not believe the news, he was made mute until John’s birth.
It is written that “after this time his wife Elizabeth conceived.” Her prayerful and gentle spirit allowed her to believe what her husband could not at the time…the birth of John as God’s grace in their lives. As a result, they came to know Jesus through John, a prophet of God, and his humble demeanor and approach to his mission.
Prayer, the most powerful tool of Christian life, was a lifeline for Elizabeth and Zechariah as it is for us. Pope Francis, declaring 2024 the Year of Prayer, designated specific monthly intentions. For December the Pope’s Pilgrim of Hope prayer is: “We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.” May we all open our hearts in prayer.
Jacquie Warren