Reflection for December 1

Luke 21:25-28, 34-26

“They will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” 

Today we light the first candle on the Advent wreath and begin our preparation to celebrate the incarnation of Christ on December 25. And we do this by starting with what is, frankly, a pretty scary gospel reading about the end of time: “People will die of fright!” The other readings seem somewhat more helpful: “I will raise up for David a just shoot;”Guide me in your truth and teach me,” and May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all.” These all seem helpful in pointing us in the right direction to prepare us for this season of Advent. But the scary image - not so much. What are we missing? 

We actually find a bit of help in the once often-used Memorial Acclamation, “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.” What we celebrate at Christmas is more than the birth of Baby Jesus. It is Christ present to us in every way - incarnation, resurrection, and end times - the fullness of Christ. Christ enters the world and becomes one of us through the Incarnation, Christ is with us now and always through the Resurrection, and Christ will come again, “in a cloud with power and great glory.” 

How do we get ready for this momentous end of time? Fortunately, it’s the same way we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. In fact, our whole lives are a preparation for this moment. It is a matter of constantly aiming to choose the path of love over the path of fear, of remaining vigilant and not caught up in “the anxieties of daily life.” One day, with God’s help, if we keep choosing Christ in the world, we will stand “before the Son of Man” and choose Christ.  

I choose to breathe the breath of Christ that makes all life holy.” Fr. Joseph Tetlow, S.J. 

Pam Hardiman

Caelie Flanagan