Reflection for Tuesday, Dec. 29

The Fourth Day of Christmas Gospel: Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:22-35)

Now, just because we are four days out of the Advent Season and into the Joys of Christmas Redemption, let us not think that "The Waiting" is over. I took a casual poll of many people and asked if there is ever a time in their life when they are not waiting for something; 99.9% said, “There is never a time in my life that I am not waiting for something.” Would that be your response too? Can you remember way back even into your early childhood when you waited and waited? Of course, we all waited nine months to get out of the cozy womb, and then we found out that WAITING would make up a major part of our lifetime. We waited to be changed and fed. We waited our turn to play a game. We waited for the ice cream truck. We waited for Halloween. We even waited for our report cards! And every Advent we waited for the Birthday of Jesus, but secretly it was probably Santa then who took first place on our anticipation list!

As we matured, and as we continue to discern better the beautiful Gospel stories and the stories of the lives of our saints, we find out that even the holiest of people waited and still wait too. Today’s Gospel passage dramatically reminds us of that. Aged Simeon and Anna were coming to the end of their natural lives and they were still waiting for signs of the Messiah. Here is the lesson: looking at their lives I have come to believe that Waiting and Hope are Cousins. And both those Cousins are strengthened and protected by Faith.

Now really, Anna was a very little girl when she began to live in the temple. Pretty much, she waited her entire life there, hoping to see the coming of the Messiah. She had to have deep Faith to Hope that long! Not to mention Patience! And Simeon … how many babies passed through the portals of the temple, and, over all of them… in his 80 some years… he did say not those thrilling words that thrill us too: “Now you can dismiss your servant, oh Lord, for my eyes have seen the Glory of your Son!" Simeon and Anna were both able to recognize Emmanuel, God-With-Us, because they were well prepared. They searched and waited and hoped until the end of their lives. And now they were ready to see and be with God! This could be our story too! Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! "The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen!"  Revelation 22:21

Sister Madonna Figura, SSCM


Karen Rossignol