Reflection for Friday, Dec. 11

Today we respond with the words “Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life.”

For many, the experience of the pandemic has shrouded much of the sunshine that normally brightens our daily lives. We struggle to find peace in all the loud political conflict and the heartbreaking loss of loved ones.

God’s light illuminates even the darkest corners we find ourselves in. Our current situation challenges us to reassess our needs versus our wants. We find reassurance in the stories of love and generosity shown by neighbors and friends towards those in greatest need. Following Jesus’s example of perfect love, we need to feed the hungry, comfort the sick, and support the marginalized. As we prepare for the gift of His birth, we can bring His light to all those we encounter. This pandemic has imposed “social distancing” but has also inspired an acknowledgment of our common need for human contact and emotional and physical support.

We pray that we can shine His light of unconditional love on all those we are blessed to share this Advent season with this year.

Mary and Doug Alexander

Karen Rossignol